Last updated August 18, 2022
Overall wellness is viewed as having seven dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, occupational and spiritual. To truly be in your zone, you should master all of these. But to be honest, spiritual wellness is often overlooked. We share below 7 ways to improve your spiritual wellness including tips to help boost your spiritual health.
Most of us get distracted by our thoughts. Our minds waver between hopelessness and encouragement, positivity and apathy. Our work schedules leave us weary and confused.
Time spent around self-identity, though, can inspire you—offering hope to tackle situations and circumstances. While spiritual wellness won’t cure what ails you, starting on a path of spiritual wellness can certainly do wonders.
Spiritual wellness is defined as expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life, including your values, beliefs and morals. It may or may not involve religious activities.
Examples of Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is more than exploring the countryside on a weekend break; it is adopting small ways to explore your spiritual core. It’s about letting go of your internal mind blocks, spending time with nature, expressing gratitude, detoxing your mind, and confiding in your spiritual allies (your higher self) to feel energy sink into you.
It is normal to feel blocked and uninspired. The key is learning how to transition out of this stagnant phase. There’s no right or wrong way to achieve spiritual health, but even a small step toward spiritual wellness will help you experience all the possibilities.
Here are 7 ways to improve your spiritual wellness and how you can boost your spiritual health to gain profound inner growth.
1. Plan a Wellness Escape
Believe it or not, nearly all types of travel offer incredible advantages in terms of spiritual healing and wellness. Schedule a week-long or weekend retreat to recharge your batteries and take a break from your daily routine.
Traveling and meeting like-minded people from all walks of life can no doubt breathe life into your spiritual efforts as well as help renew yourself spiritually. Look at wellness travel as an act of self-care!

2. Throw Yourself Into Nature
It’s no surprise that spending time in nature refreshes your perspective like few other activities can. Go hiking, try wild swimming or get your hands dirty in your backyard garden. Feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. Make a promise to get outside every. single. day.
So, instead of grabbing that cup of coffee, research suggests a better way to get energized is to connect with nature.
3. Wake Up to a New Morning Ritual
Most of us tend to follow regular morning habits to keep up with the day’s pace. Consider alternative practices like waking before sunrise, sun salutations facing the rising sun, guided meditations or watering plants to shake up your morning activities and connect to yourself.
Another solid recommendation for those who struggle in the morning is to jump out of bed 20 minutes before your desired wake-up time. These activities should significantly impact your spiritual wellness and weed out stressors.

4. Read Spiritual Classics
Most spiritual wellness traditions advocate mindfulness through mantra or meditation. Sacred book reading enhances mindfulness through soul-enriching words of wisdom.
A good spiritual book inspires, motivates, and nourishes your mind and soul. It can also help you feel peaceful amidst the chaos. Looking inward can be a viable solution for most, particularly if you feel disconnected from your friends, family, colleagues or you are just lonely.
Browse apps for spiritual books to make you feel at peace and get into the right mindset. Look for paperbacks or digital books that focus on kindness, healing and other core life skills.
5. Unplug From Technology
Although gadgets are modern-day essentials, excess use is bad for our physical and mental health. Frequent use of digital devices detaches ourselves from spiritual wellness and restricts us to indoor activity.
Get outdoors, dive into an inspiring book, explore painting or spend time with the people you care about. Dedicate time every morning to minimal technology use.

6. Switch to a Pure and Wholesome Diet
It has long been known that chemicals and preservatives have an extremely negative impact on our health. As the saying goes, nourishing the body in turn nourishes the soul.
Modify your diet approach—no alcohol, meat or sugar—for a month and see how it improves your energy (you are what you eat). Be sure to consult a doctor for the right dietary inputs for body cleansing or intermittent fasting.
7. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is not a forced practice. It is the first step to spiritual wellness. Show your gratitude by writing and documenting it regularly. Thinking grateful thoughts can bring you inner peace and create more compassion for yourself and society.
Write the things you are grateful for in a journal. Train your mind to appreciate what you have to sustain your relationship with your spiritual powers.

Wrapping Up Spiritual Wellness
We often feel lost in the spiritual world. Enlist the help of a qualified teacher or mentor to inspire you to live a spiritual life under the value systems you pride most.
Related Articles on Spiritual Wellness:
- Top Spiritual Healing Benefits of Travel
- Power of Breath
- Importance of Wellness & Spirituality Retreats
- Free-Spirited Wellness Retreats in North America
Are you looking to be more present and find spiritual wellness? Vacayou’s travel concierge team can help you discover, book and plan your next spiritual retreat experience. We are here to help create a healthier global community through wellness and active travel.
We believe that travel has the power to change lives. The power to revive, rejuvenate and redirect the inner self. That’s why we’re here. Take an online staycation with us. Change how you think about travel and let us make it easier for you to search, discover, and book wellness and active vacations. But we don’t stop there. We are with you every step of the way—before, during and after your journey—to make sure you enjoy the most meaningful vacation ever. It’s Travel That Moves You.