
Is Gen Z Travel the Future?

Last updated June 17, 2024

Generation Z (Gen Z) isn’t sitting around waiting to explore the world. In fact, 65% of Gen Zers rank “travel and seeing the world” as the most important way to spend their money. 

Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z is the most tech-savvy, socially active and outspoken generation. They thrive on digital connectivity, possess growing purchasing power, and are preoccupied with their physical and mental well-being.

These defining traits significantly influence their views on travel and wellness. According to a survey by American Express, 79% of Gen Zers see leisure travel as a number one budget priority, with 84% choosing to invest in a dream vacation rather than splurge on a new luxury item. 

Unlike previous generations, Gen Z travelers seek more than just a getaway. They are looking for experiences that are sustainable, authentic and aligned with their personal values. The travel shift prompts businesses and destinations to adapt to meet new traveler expectations.

1. Sustainability & Eco-conscious Travel 

Gen Z is a generation deeply concerned about the environment and the impact of travel on our planet. The surge in demand for sustainable travel options, driven by an eco-conscious approach, includes eco-friendly accommodations and conservation-focused experiences. Destinations and companies that prioritize environmental sustainability are increasingly preferred by Gen Z travelers.

2. Seeking Authentic & Cultural Experiences

This generation craves authentic experiences that offer a deep dive into the local culture and lifestyle. They are more likely to eschew traditional tourist hotspots in favor of immersive experiences. This includes local homestays, cultural workshops and off-the-beaten-path adventures that provide a genuine connection to the destination.

3. Digital Nomadism & Remote Work 

Gen Z’s comfort with digital technology and remote work has led to the rise of digital nomadism among younger travelers. They are blending travel with work or study, seeking destinations that offer reliable connectivity, co-working spaces and a supportive community for remote workers. This trend is reshaping travel norms and encouraging the development of infrastructure to accommodate long-term stays.

4. Health & Wellness Getaways 

Gen Zers are increasingly drawn to destinations and experiences that promote physical and mental well-being. This includes wellness retreats, fitness adventures and destinations known for their healthful cuisines and relaxing environments. The focus is on rejuvenation, mindfulness and escaping the stresses of daily life.

5. Value for Money & Experiential Spending 

While not necessarily budget travelers, Gen Z is value-conscious, seeking the best bang for their buck. They prioritize spending on experiences over material goods — and are more likely to invest in travel that offers unique memories and personal growth. This includes educational trips, volunteer tourism and experiences that align with their personal interests and passions.

6. Social Media Influence & Visual Storytelling 

The choices of Gen Z travelers are heavily influenced by social media, particularly visual storytelling on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. They seek picturesque destinations and Instagrammable moments, but with a growing preference for authenticity over staged photos. Destinations and brands that can provide visually appealing and genuine experiences are more likely to capture their attention.

Gen Zers are also leading the pack in the wellness space, outpacing older generations in their consumption of products and services aimed at improving both physical and mental health. 

This interest spans a vast array of areas, from fitness and appearance to mindfulness and mental health, underscoring a holistic approach to wellness that seems to be defining this generation.

Why this big shift? It’s a mix of a few things. Gen Z’s access to information, digital prowess and societal changes shape their health and wellness perspective. Coupled with a growing skepticism toward traditional healthcare and an embrace for accessible alternatives, Gen Z’s approach to well-being is markedly different from previous generations.

1. Redefining Fitness & Health 

Gen Z is not just exercising more. They are also redefining what fitness means. While Gen Z consumers in the United States do prioritize fitness, they prefer to blend physical activity with mental health practices. This extends beyond traditional gym environments to include activities like forest bathing and plant-based cooking classes.

2. Mental Health & Mindfulness 

Facing what is dubbed a “connection recession,” Gen Z is turning to mindfulness and mental health solutions to combat loneliness and stress. This generation spends on meditation classes, mindfulness apps and therapy, reflecting an expanded view of health encompassing emotional and psychological well-being.

3. Aesthetic & Self-Expression 

Moving away from the glossy, unattainable standards set by previous generations, Gen Z’s wellness includes a focus on authenticity and self-acceptance. Trends like #bedrotting on social media platforms underline a shift toward realism and comfort in one’s own skin.

4. Social Joy & Community 

Gen Z is leveraging social media not only for information but also for finding community and experiencing joy. Trends like #glimmers and virtual spaces on platforms like TikTok and Reddit offer new ways to experience social connection and support, underlining the importance of community in Gen Z’s wellness journey.

5. Innovation and Wellness Products & Services 

As this generation distances itself from traditional and often expensive wellness products, there’s a noticeable pivot toward more inclusive and accessible solutions. This has prompted companies to rethink their offerings, from athleisure and diet products to more genuine and engaging wellness content.

Keeping Up with Gen Z

The intersection of wellness and travel in Gen Z’s lifestyle reflects a broader shift toward more conscious, holistic living.  As brands, services and communities strive to align with this new paradigm, the influence of Gen Z will undoubtedly continue to shape the wellness and travel landscapes toward sustainability, authenticity and holistic well-being.

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At Vacayou [pronounced VACAY – YOU], we believe that travel has the power to change lives. The power to revive, rejuvenate and redirect your inner wellness warrior. And that’s why we’re here. Vacayou brings the world of wellness travel to you!

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