
7 Tips for Rewilding Yourself

This is your invitation to slow down, tune in and reconnect. Here’s why rewilding is the wellness trend you need to try, stat! 

As tempting as it may be to stay home and be all comfy indoors, there are compelling reasons to immerse oneself in the external world. Not only do you reap multiple physical benefits, you also experience a greater sense of calm within your inner world.

This growing appreciation of nature’s therapeutic effects has led to an upswing in rewilding, which refers to the revival of natural ecosystems and animal habitats. It’s basically an advanced conservation strategy aimed at fostering a more diverse and untamed ecosystem in perfect balance with nature.

Applying rewilding concepts to humans involves similar principles, and is all about getting back to nature’s roots and bringing a slice of that wild, untamed life into your own modern world. Think of it as a “nature reboot” for your soul.

Before you conjure up images of grappling with a bear for your evening meal, let’s take a step back. Embracing rewilding in our contemporary existence can be as simple as tweaking our daily routines and implementing minor changes that yield significant results. And it’s all backed by the wisdom of our hunter-gatherer ancestors..

Seven Ways to Rewild Yourself

So, are you ready to sprinkle a little wild wellness into your everyday life? Let’s explore seven ways to rewild your brain and body, all while staying firmly rooted in the 21st century. Your inner caveman might just thank you!

1. Bask in Natural Light

To truly harmonize with nature’s cycle, begin by aligning your daily routines with the sunrise and sunset. Introducing more natural light into your environment does more than just improve your mood; it aligns your internal clock with the natural world, ensuring a more natural sleep-wake cycle, known as your circadian rhythm. 

This rhythm influences hormone release, digestion and body temperature, which is why disruptions can affect your overall well-being. To implement this, consider waking with the sun, using natural light as your primary daytime light source and dimming artificial lights as evening approaches.

This not only reduces energy consumption but also supports your body’s natural time-keeping signals, promoting better sleep and health.

2. Minimize Blue Light Exposure

Our constant exposure to screens emits significant amounts of blue light, disrupting our natural sleep cycles by tricking our brains into thinking it’s still daytime. This can lead to difficulty falling asleep and poorer sleep quality.

Reducing blue light exposure, especially in the evening, can lead to noticeable improvements in sleep and mood. Adjust your devices to warmer light settings in the evening, use blue light filtering glasses or establish a screen-free routine an hour before bed.

This transition to more natural light conditions can help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down, mimicking the natural light changes that occurred before the advent of artificial lighting.

3. Explore Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting mirrors the eating patterns of our ancestors, who did not have access to food around the clock and were naturally adapted to periods of fasting and feasting.

This practice isn’t about deprivation but about eating in sync with natural hunger cues and giving your body time to rest and repair outside of digesting food. 

Start with a manageable approach, such as the 16/8 method, where you eat within an eight-hour window and fast for sixteen. It’s crucial to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it’s a safe and beneficial change for you.

This approach can lead to improved metabolic health, better regulation of blood sugar levels and a more mindful relationship with food.

4. Get Grounded

The concept of grounding, or earthing, involves making direct contact with the earth’s surface. Our ancestors walked barefoot and slept on the ground, naturally absorbing the earth’s electrical energy.

Modern lifestyles have disconnected us from this energy. Reintroduce grounding by walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, or by sitting and touching the ground when outside.

This contact can reduce inflammation, improve sleep and increase energy by reconnecting us with the earth’s natural charge. Regular grounding can be a simple, therapeutic act, reminding us of our connection to the natural world and its balancing effects on our bodies.

5. Embrace Dynamic Movement

Our bodies are designed for diverse, dynamic movements, not just repetitive exercises. Integrating natural movement into your routine means incorporating varied, functional movements that mimic those of our ancestors — think squatting, bending, walking, running, climbing and lifting.

These activities engage multiple muscle groups and joints, promoting strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health. You don’t need a gym for this; nature and your own body weight provide the perfect setting. Embrace activities like hiking, swimming or even gardening. Anything that keeps you moving and connects you with nature.

6. Adopt a Natural Diet

Our ancestors’ diets were dictated by their environments, consisting of whole foods, lean proteins and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Strive to replicate this by choosing unprocessed, sustainable and locally sourced foods.

This means prioritizing organic meats, wild-caught fish, fresh produce and nuts and seeds. Such a diet is not only more in tune with our biological makeup but also with the planet’s rhythms, leading to improved health and a smaller environmental footprint.

Remember, eating naturally is not about strict rules; it’s about making mindful choices that honor our bodies and the environment.

7. Cold Water Therapy

Incorporating cold water therapy into your routine can seem daunting, but it’s a practice deeply rooted in human history. Our ancestors were regularly exposed to the elements, including cold water, which is known to stimulate the immune system, improve circulation and reduce stress hormones.

Start with cold showers, gradually decreasing the water temperature, or try swimming in natural bodies of water if climate permits. The initial shock gives way to a feeling of invigoration and mental clarity.

Embracing this practice can strengthen your body’s resilience and provide a refreshing counterbalance to the comfort-driven tendencies of modern life.

Nature’s Reboot

Remember that rewilding is not about striving for perfection or completely abandoning contemporary life. Instead, it’s about creating a more mindful, healthful and connected life, one small step at a time.

Take these seven insights as invitations to slow down, tune in and reconnect — not just with nature, but with yourself. Along the way, you may just find the harmony, health and happiness that come from living a life more deeply intertwined with the natural world around you.

About Vacayou

At Vacayou [pronounced VACAY – YOU], we believe that travel has the power to change lives. The power to revive, rejuvenate and redirect your inner wellness warrior. And that’s why we’re here. Vacayou brings the world of wellness travel to you!

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