
A Grounded Morning Routine for When You Travel

Last updated July 15, 2024

Rise and shine travelers. Imagine waking up and realizing you’re on vacation. Which means you have the day to explore! Ahh, the blissful relaxation of it all.

You might even be thinking, how can the day get any better? It’s an entire day of freedom, right?

The answer might surprise you: add in a grounded morning routine.

How you start the morning can make all the difference in the world. It will get you grounded and settled for the day. In fact, a grounded morning routine is an ideal way to counteract the busyness of life, by starting you off from a place of being centered and calm. 

Grounding activities are things you can do to bring yourself into more alignment with the present moment. The main aim is to keep your mind and body connected and working together. 

Grounding is about bringing our focus back to the here and now. Being present and mindful of the moment.

It is a way to intentionally start your wellness travel adventure, ready to be fully present.

There are numerous benefits of a grounded morning routine for travel. Most of them are simple things we all crave more of in life and this rings true whether we are at home or traveling the world.

Benefits like more energy and happiness, as well as lower stress levels, make a grounded morning routine well worth the time.

Sprinkle In a Grounded Morning Routine for Travel

Yet, the real value of a grounded morning routine is that it allows you to start the morning with intention, rather than letting the day get away from you.

A grounded morning routine is a straightforward way to elevate your wellness travel adventures.

You set the tone for the day, not the other way around. Being on top of things helps you feel better, which then carries into the entire day.

Looking for an easy grounded morning routine for your next wellness travel adventure? 

Here are five ways to enrich your day and kick off with grounded calm. These activities will allow you to tap into your senses, be present and connect with yourself and the world around you.

1. Go Inward & Embrace the Silence

Silence taps into a place of rest within ourselves, away from the noise of the world. 

Morning is a rich time of day, so It’s an ideal time to relax, take time to find your bearings and ease into things. It’s an opportunity to give your brain some time to orient to the day ahead while you have control over your schedule.

Silence is important because it’s from there that you’ll find the strength and self-composure to be a better person for yourself and for others.

Taking time to be silent creates a mindful space for you to reflect. It allows you to go inward and check in with yourself.

So, sink into silent serenity and the rest of the day will flow with ease.

2. Breathe in the New Day

A grounded morning breathing practice is a quick and potent way to calm your nervous system. Making it a mindful and relaxed way to start the day.

If you wake up tired or out of sorts, breathing is particularly useful in making you feel balanced again.

Not sure where to start. Try counting the breath:

  • Breathe in deeply through your nose as you count to 5.
  • Breathe out deeply through your nose as you count to 5.
  • Continue like this, making every inhale and exhale last for a count of 5.

If you prefer a guided experience, reach for an app like Calm or iBreathe. Both apps offer free features and include a variety of practices that are short and sweet.

3. Just Be, in Nature

Nature is profoundly healing. There is something about connecting with the earth that balances our mind and body, bringing us inner peace and renewal. 

I’m sure you’ve noticed how good you feel after a nature walk or even simply sitting on a bench and soaking up the sun.

Travel brings us unique opportunities to connect with nature, offering us an ideal way to experience new places. We can reap benefits with just a few minutes of nature time.

Something as simple as enjoying your morning coffee outside on the terrace or opening the windows to listen to the ocean is calming. If you crave a deeper experience, go ahead, and take that hike or get out your camera and explore with a photo walk. 

You’ll get to sink into the sense of place your destination affords, and your mind and body will thank you for the time outdoors. 

4. Get Moving

Think of movement as your energizing morning cup of coffee. Exercise gives you a sense of accomplishment, and better yet, it leaves you feeling better for the rest of the day. 

Invigorate yourself for your wellness travel adventures with a yoga session in your hotel room, a mindful morning walk or a more adrenaline-focused adventure like kayaking.

An engaging morning workout will give you energy, clarity and focus for the day. Allowing you to experience your travels from a more grounded place.

5. Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Lastly, bring more sweetness to the day by giving thanks.

One, for the many blessings that have already manifested in your life. And two, for the many moments yet to unfold in your day.

Travel time is very precious, so be sure to extend the savoring by acknowledging all the good wrapped up in your adventures. Give thanks for the many moments of surprise, joy and relaxation that come with the journey, both inside and out.

Hit the Ground Running

Remember in life there is no one size fits all approach. Meaning, it is important to take the elements that call to you each day and create a grounded morning routine for travel that will allow you to feel—well, grounded. That way, you can make the best of your wellness travel adventures and be the best you!

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At Vacayou [pronounced VACAY – YOU], we believe that travel has the power to change lives. The power to revive, rejuvenate and redirect your inner wellness warrior. And that’s why we’re here. Vacayou brings the world of wellness travel to you!

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Start the trip of your lifetime today, with Vacayou. We are here to help create a healthier global community through wellness and active travel. 

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