
Healthy Tips for Managing Anxiety During Stressful Times

Last updated November 1, 2023

Given the stressful times we’ve faced recently, it’s natural that stress levels may be elevated.

Dealing with the ongoing challenges of our fast-paced world, including health concerns and the constant influx of information, can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Therefore, it’s crucial that we each find healthy and effective ways to manage our anxiety during stressful times.. In doing so, we not only improve our own well-being but also contribute to a more supportive and less stressful environment for those around us. By each doing our part to navigate these uncertain times, we will emerge stronger and more resilient.

Knowing the Signs of Anxiety and Stress

For most of us, we recognize that we are stressed and anxious when we begin experiencing excessive worries and fears. But sometimes, this is not always evident.

Stressful times can trigger other changes as well that may be more subtle in nature. For example, stress often disrupts our sleep patterns and our appetites. Likewise, it can negatively affect our concentration and ability to remember details.

Stress can also lead to more frequent use of alcohol and other substances. Any of these might suggest your stress level has increased. If present, it would be worthwhile exploring healthy ways for managing anxiety. 

Tips for Managing Anxiety During Stressful Times

It should be noted that some level of anxiety is not always a bad thing. Healthy levels of anxiety help us prepare and better handle the challenges we may face. But once excessive and causing more serious disruptions in our lives, managing anxiety becomes more important. With this in mind, the following are some key tips for managing anxiety during stressful times. 

  • Seek Understanding — When we fail to have the facts, our emotions can get the best of us. Hearsay, biased views and even speculations about what might happen only fuels our worries and fears. Therefore, one important strategy for managing anxiety is to get the facts and be informed about a situation. This will reduce your emotional reaction and help you make a more rational assessment. 
  • Media in Moderation – While being informed is important, excessive exposure to the news and other media can actually make your anxiety worse. During stressful times, it is easy to become “glued” to the news for the latest updates. But in pursuing healthy ways for managing anxiety, these behaviors should be limited. Disconnecting from media at times can be helpful. Get the facts, but avoid the fear. 
  • Expression Is Essential – When experiencing stressful times, being able to express your worries and concerns is important. Rather than keeping these bottled up inside, you can release them by communicating your worries to others. However, share your thoughts with those you trust rather than publicly or on social media. In doing so, you will be more likely to receive the social support you need. 
  • Engage in Stress Management – In addition to the above ways for managing anxiety, meditation and mindfulness practices can help reduce worries and provide perspective. In addition, exercise can also help reduce stress when performed regularly. And certainly, getting adequate sleep can help you in managing anxiety. These are valued steps you can take to keep your stress level in check. 

Stay Focused on Your Holistic Well-Being

In managing anxiety, it is also important to appreciate that your overall health matters. In addition to managing stress and worries, it also helps to maintain good physical, spiritual and social health as well.

Understanding this, a nutritious diet and avoidance of excess alcohol is recommended to promote overall wellness. Likewise, spending time with loved ones and self-reflection exercises can also be of benefit.

During stressful times, anxiety can affect your entire being. By managing stress well and attending to your holistic health, you will enjoy total wellness more completely. 

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